Christmas is just around the corner and the kids are eagerly awaiting gifts from Santa. Christmas is the time when they will receive their favorite and long-desired gift. But does Santa Claus really exist and what is the truth about Christmas, Santa Claus or reindeer? Here is the answer for you.
The Story of Santa Claus
The legend of Santa Claus was started by a Saint named Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was born in the year 280 in a small city in Asia Minor. His parents were very rich but died when he was young.

Throughout his life, Saint Nicholas lived in self-sacrifice, devotion and love. He was elected by the people as Bishop of the city of Myra. Saint Nicholas was imprisoned during Emperor Diocletian's persecution, but was later released by Emperor Constantine. He spent the remaining short days of his life helping the poor. He often disguised himself to bring gifts to poor children in the villages. Nicholas once also gave gold to a poor father as a dowry for his three daughters. He died in 314, at the age of 34.
Today, many churches are named after St. Nicholas, especially in Europe. The true Santa Claus story begins in Germany when St. Nicholas became known as Kriss Kringle and became the symbol of the Christmas season. After that, the legend of Kriss Kringle spread to France and was called Père Noél by the French. Later, Dutch immigrants brought this legend with them to America where they founded the area "New Amsterdam", which is the city of "New York" today. Then… year after year, “Santa Claus” from the Dutch name “Sinter Klass” gradually became known as “Santa Claus” because of that.
Is Santa Claus real?
Many people still think that the story of Santa Claus is a myth, but in fact this is a true and spread legend that says: “Santa Claus comes from the legend of a real character living in the 4th century named Santa Claus. is Nicholas. He was the only child in a wealthy Christian family. Nicholas was born around the 280s in Patara, a small port of the town of Lycia in Turkey. As a child, the boy was taught a lot about the bible by his mother, but unfortunately, his parents died due to an epidemic, leaving him with all the inheritance.

Nicholas was well known for his compassion for the poor and devoted his life to serving God. Once, when he met three young girls who had no suitors because their father was too poor, he immediately took three bags of gold and put them in the three girls' room. Thanks to that, they got married and lived a very happy life. Even so, the Romans always despised him, They imprisoned and tortured him in the dungeon. When Constantine became Roman emperor, he freed Saint Nicholas.
Since then, Constantine has become a Christian. He convened a meeting of Niasea, and Saint Nicholas was invited to be its delegate. Saint Nicholas is especially celebrated for his love of children. It is rumored that the surprise gifts were brought by Saint Nicholas and it was he who brought the gifts to the children during Christmas.

Besides, Saint Nicholas was also the protector for the sailors of the island of Sicily in Greece and Russia. In the Netherlands, the legend of Saint Nicholas always lives in the hearts of every citizen. In the 16th century, in the Netherlands children used to place their wooden shoes by the fireplace in the hope that they would be filled with food by Saint Nicholas. The Dutch pronounce the word St. Nicholas (Saint Nicholas) became Sint Nicholaas, later falsified as Sinterklaas and finally read by the Anglicans as Santa, which translates into Vietnamese as Santa Claus.